Si è appena concluso a Londra il progetto europeo KA2 – Partenariato Strategico – CEF, Creating Enterprising Futures, che ha visto il coinvolgimento di Sistema Turismo nella definizione dei moduli formativi sull’imprenditorialità. Il progetto ha coinvolto 30 formatori/educatori, provenienti da Italia, Spagna e Regno Unito che hanno seguito un...
It’s a warm summer all over Europe, it’s warm in Bournemouth too and Giulia (1,2,3…ETN animator) is playing volleyball with the students of Presov and Padua (JFK School). Who will win? Who will stand the test of sun? What’s The Overstrand? Who will stop me for asking questions and...
A walk around the Southsea Castle and a beach volleyball match. A nice way to spend the afternoon for the Italian students of Mussomeli (CL) (Liceo Virgilio) and the Hungarian students of the Pálffy Miklós Trade Training School. Rosa, ETN animator at Training Vision Portsmouth, supervises and gives her...
Hi everybody! So glad to write again for ETN magazine, this time to talk about the great experience I had in Portsmouth just a few weeks ago. I initially thought this travel in England would be just a full immersion in English language and culture, during a language course...
Rosa, our ETN animator, with Hungarian students from the Pálffy miklós Trade Training School and the Italian students of Vittorio Emanuele (Jesi), around the streets of Portsmouth. To turn perfume into memories, spread youthful enthusiasm, wear and be Europe and, above all, to turn an instant into eternity thanks...
“Si vince e si perde…è il rischio che si corre con l’amore”…not only with love but with ping pong too! And Giulia, our ETN animator, is taking pictures of the students from Presov and Padua (JFK) during their funny duel at the last ever point. Bournemouth is holding its...
Ieri pomeriggio, sullo schermo gigante della Guildhall Square di Portsmouth, direttamente dalla Royal Opera House, è stata trasmessa La Traviata, la celebre opera di Verdi. Rosa, animatrice ETN di Training Vision Portsmouth, era lì insieme ai ragazzi della scuola Vittorio Emanuele di Jesi, felice di “libar ne’ lieti calici che...
Train was the machine in the garden and in a garden some people sleep while some look landscapes and souls (or soulful landscapes). Rosa and her enthusiasm take the students of Turin (ASL Turin) to Southampton for a day of fun and history (the story of Titanic and much more)....
Take a lively animator (ehi Giulia, what’s up?), the students from the school JFK (Padova) and our office in Bournemouth. Choose an old classic movie, some butter cookies and dim the lights. Add a pinch of atmosphere and evening is served! Prendete un’animatrice frizzante (la nostra Giulia), i ragazzi...