
  • Santa Claus is coming to town or Papa Noel llegó a la ciudad (Tribeka).

    Thank you Asociación Arrabal AID for this lovely Christmas gift. It was the best way to bring the chrisitmas spirit to our office. Tribeka staff wish you an amazing time, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Muchas gracias Asociación Arrabal AID por esta flor de Pascua tan bonita, habéis...
  • Tribeka, Onnela y El Merendero

    They said that cooking is love made visible. Last two weeks Onnela, teacher from Tartu has been participating in the Erasmus+ Project, working in El Merendero restaurant de Antonio Martin in Málaga. During these two weeks we visited La Martina – gastronomy store, where we tried local Andalusian products. We...
  • A nice and friendly chat with Aleksandra Pimitkina from Latvia

    We are really delighted to show you this interview done at Tribeka with the great great teacher Aleksandra Pimitkina from the school Daugavpils Tehnikums (Latvia). Thanks for the wonderful and heartfelt words, Aleksandra. We hope to see you again in Malaga. In the meantime…let’s stay tuned! Siamo davvero felici...
  • Internship in Malaga (Tribeka)

    Magdalena (Tribeka Team) writes:”It0’s wintertime and it’s a sunny day in Malaga, Christmas is approaching and these are the students from ZESPÓŁ SZKÓŁ PONADGIMNAZJALNYCH NR 5 W LOPUSZNIE. They are working in hotels (housekeeping and catering) and as you can see from the images, they are having a great time....
  • Happy b-day Arrabal from Tribeka

    Yesterday our long-term partner and friend – organization Arrabal AID turned 25! All Arrabal´s team, friends, representatives of a businesses from Málaga, and Tribeka’s staff celebrated it at Teatro Cervantes in Málaga. It was a pleasure to be there with you and it is pleasure to collaborate with you....
  • A Great Time at Tribeka – Wspaniały czas w Tribece

    On Monday in Tribeka office three symphatic students from SKARŻYSKO-KAMIENNO started an intership. Here you can read their opinion about first days in Málaga. We wish you a great stay, an amazing adventure and only sunny days in Málaga. ZESPÓŁ SZKÓŁ EKONOMICZNYCH W SKARŻYSKU-KAMIENNEJ W MALADZE J 14 października...
  • Turn the TV on, it’s Tribeka time!

    Sul canale Onda Azul, la nostra Giulia (Work Placement e Training Manager per Tribeka) ha parlato delle attività di Tribeka, del lavoro di promozione internazionale che facciamo su Malaga e della partnership con l’agenzia spagnola Malaga Adventure, con la quale collaboriamo per i placement e per le visite culturali. Grazie a Onda Azul...
  • Giulia (Tribeka) ci scrive…

    Con il motto ‘El mundo unido por el deporte’, sabato 7 Ottobre si è inaugurato a Málaga il Mundial de Menores de Padel 2017 e con l’occasione è stato organizzato un grande evento di solidarietà, l’abbraccio internazionale più grande del mondo. Come Tribeka siamo state invitate per rappresentare ufficialmente...
  • Good companies at Tribeka

    Magda (Tribeka team) writes:”Here’s the students from PONADGIMNAZJALNY ZESPÓŁ SZKÓŁ EKONOMICZNYCH W SANDOMIERZU; teachers went to visit them at the companies: they are really happy and they are enjoying their time there” And these pictures are a great demonstration! ps behind every pic you can find the name of the companies...