It’s been really busy time at Tribeka Training Lab. Meetings, groups coming, groups going and so on but these days we had the great chance to host few monitorings from Poland. One of them were headmaster and coordinator of Erasmus+ projects from Sandomierz (PONADGIMNAZJALNY ZESPÓŁ SZKÓŁ EKONOMICZNYCH W SANDOMIERZU)....
“My eyes always see you, the city of my seabound days” Everyone who comes to Málaga even once, knows how wonderful this place is. 300 days of sun per year, mix of cultures, breathtaking views, people from all over the world and sea breeze. It’s impossible to not fall...
I’m Albena Vasileva, 23 years old bulgarian girl and I joined ETN team as an Experience tutor 2 months ago. I’m located in Spain where it has been said, that the sun shines 300 days a year, even I already have doubts about it. You can expect everything from...
“Zagraniczne praktyki to lepsza przyszłość” tak właśnie brzmi tytuł projektu Erasmus + Zespołu Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych Nr 1 w Tarnobrzegu. To trafne hasło w pełni oddaje jeden z celów, które powinne osiągnąć programy europejskie tj. przynieść lepszą przyszłość zarówno wkraczającym na drogę zawodową uczniom jak i osobom, które rozpoczęły już...
Last weekend the group from Zespoł Szkoł nr 1 Ambrożego Towarnickiego w Rzeszowie came to Spain. One of the teacher Anna Susło-Morawiecka decided to share with us her opinion about their experience with Tribeka Training Lab. What Anna likes the most is the fact that a trip to Spain...
Twenty two students from ZSP Rawa Mazowiecka follow those words. Two sectors, agrobusiness and logistic. A lot of hour of hard work and many more hours of fun, because work doesn´t have to be boring. Find what you like and enjoy your job, like students from Rawa do. Is...
It was a very busy morning for students from Bulgaria -Vocational School of Light Indrusty and Tourism – Kazanlak and their teachers too. 10 students of administration and 10 students of hospitality sectors, 2 accompaying teachers and 1 headmaster arrived to Malaga on Saturday night and started a two-weeks...
…heavy rain and clouds can not stop us. This week two interns, Magda (Poland) and Carl (Sweden) started their big Spanish adventure. So today we are getting to know more the city, exploring Málaga and looking for the best sights for our students. I am quite sure that you...
Wielkanoc już za nami i przerwa świąteczna dobiegła końca. W tym roku uczniowie z Łopuszna mieli wspaniałą szanse zobaczyć obchody Świąt Wielkiejnocy w Maladze. Semana Santa to wyjątkowy czas dla mieszkańców, a także wszystkich, którzy przebywają w tym czasie w mieście. Piękne procesje, niezliczone tłumy na ulicach, muzyka rozbrzmiewająca...