3 weeks in Malaga for the group PGEE Lomonosov from Bulgaria. 3 weeks at Tribeka described by Stanimir and his friends in this page full of adventures, from the first flight to Malaga smart city to the peculiarity of the architecture to the nostalgia to new discoveries to…hey…read and...
We are two 21 years old students of journalism from Poland. A few words about us: Hi, I’m Magda. I am a spontaneous and dynamic person. I like traveling, walking and dancing. I really love with beautiful places, sunsets, raspberries and musicals. In my free time I usually...
From 5th of May till 2nd of June at Tribeka we had the pleasure to have at Tribeka the students and the teachers f the Polish school Zespół Szkół nr 1 im. Ambrożego Towarnickiego w Rzeszowie. They really enjoyed their time with us in Malaga and they sent us these...
I ragazzi dell’IPSSAR di San pellegrino Terme, in questo video ci raccontano la loro esperienza di 4 settimane a Malaga in classe e in viaggio. In quiete e senza inquietudine ma con tanta voglia di stare connessi! The students of the IPSSAR of San Pellegrino Terme, in this video...
L’eccellente Giulia Scavone (Work Placement and Training Manager a Tribeka) intervista la professoressa Arzuffi e il professor Avogadri dell’Ipssar San Pellegrino Terme all’inizio della loro permanenza a Málaga per un Pon. Come hanno conosciuto la “tribù di ETN” (una tribù che balla)? Come sta andando questo inizio a Malaga?...
La nostra Giulia Scavone (Work Placement and Training Manager a Tribeka) sempre più a suo agio nel ruolo di talk show host, scambia due chiacchiere con la professoressa Elisabetta Paolozzi, a Malaga con i suoi ragazzi per un progetto Erasmus plus. Cosa si sono dette di interessante? Guardate l’intervista...
Uczniowie z ZESPÓŁU SZKÓŁ ROLNICZYCH CENTRUM KSZTAŁCENIA USTAWICZNEGO W KOŚCIELECU odbyli praktykę w Maladze w lipcu 2018 roku w zawodach gastronomia, logistyka i ekonomia. Łukasz i Sylwia w towarzystwie nauczycielki Eweliny opowiadają o swoim doświadczeniu w Hiszpanii. Łukasz opowiada też dlaczego chciał pracować w dzień wolny....
La scuola Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych nr.1 w Tarnobrzegu è stata a Malaga con il progetto Erasmus+ Al progetto hanno partecipato 90 ragazzi di diversi settori (IT, advertising, turismo parrucchiere, gastronomia). L’esperienza è stata positiva per tutti e non vediamo l’ora di vederli di nuovo a Malaga 🙂 Ringraziamo i coordinatori...
Giulia Scavone (Work Placement and Training Manager at Tribeka) is the voice that leads this interview with the teacher of the school Eprat (Portugal). They have been in Malaga with 4 students for an internship in the tourism sector. Let’s see how it’s going! Giulia Scavone (Work Placement and...