42 uczniów Zespołu Szkół Nr 2 im. Ks. Warcisława w Szczecinku pod opieką 5 nauczycieli odbyło w 2017 r. trzytygodniowe praktyki zawodowe w Berlinie (Niemcy), w Portsmouth (Wielka Brytania) i w Rimini (Włochy). Ta zagraniczna mobilność była możliwa dzięki dofinasowaniu z Funduszu Europejskiego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój (POWER),...
The Polish teachers of ZSP w Kepnie are very satisfied by the Erasmus plus project “Going to Italy for new experience”. They really gained new experience thanks to Italian leader companies and vocational schools. They had experience in logistics at the Trevi spa, producer and importer of high tech...
Una delle maggiori attrazioni di Portsmouth è senza dubbio la Spinnaker Tower. E dopo una partita a volley insieme a Rosa (Training Vision Experience Tutor), è lì che i ragazzi dell’Istituto Superiore Starting Work sono andati per avere una splendida visione della città di Dickens. One of the major...
The Portuguese group Alfonso Lopes Vieira are at Training Vision Bournemouth where they will stay until 31st of March. Here they are during a city visit, while watching a famous video at our office (do you wanna see it? here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtPZ_qsih-8) It will be a lovely time for...
Rosa (Training Vision Experience Tutor) is ready for the quiz night with the students from Starting Work IS SRL. Let’s watch the video and stay tuned! Rosa (experience tutor di Training Vision) è pronta per il quiz night con gli studenti della Starting Work IS SRL. Guardiamo il video...
Bardzo miło wspominamy grupę z Zespołu Szkół Informatycznych z Kielc, która odbyła praktyki w Portsmouth. Uczniowie byli nie tylko zdolni, ale i bardzo serdeczni. Pozdrawiamy uczniów i nauczycieli. Do zobaczenia!...
It’s party time at Training Vision: our wonderful team is throwing a party with our beloved host families and host companies. Let’s watch the video and let’s stay tuned! E’ l’ora della festa a Training Vision: il nostro meraviglioso team sta festeggiando l’arrivo del Natale insieme alle nostre host...
“Never say goodbye, because goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting.” -Peter Pan. So we are not saying goodbye to the students of Ivan Iliev (Bulgaria) because as you can see from the pictures with Kim (Students Welfare Officer at Training Vision), it will be hard to forget. them. So...
“Le organizzazioni imparano soltanto da individui che imparano” (P. Senge). Rientrata da un’interessante e soddisfacente esperienza di docenza, diretta ad alcuni funzionari della Provincia Autonoma di Trento, svoltasi a Portsmouth (UK) nell’ambito del programma ERASMUS+ KA1 VET and staff mobility – PLUS MUSE (Plus- Mechatronics ultimate Skills in Europe)...