La ST Alphe UK 2017 entra nel vivo! ETN alla ST Alphe UK 2017, nelle parole del nostro Presidente Luciano Marino. Iniziata la ST Alphe UK 2017! ETN è ben lieta di prendere parte a questo evento mondiale. L’organizzazione Study Travel ogni anno...
Per noi di ETN, Settembre è il mese per ricominciare con rinnovata energia…ed è anche tutto questo: “Settembre, nono mese dell’anno, come una gravidanza è nascita e rinnovamento delle promesse e i propositi fatti a Gennaio. E’ come un inizio dell anno in miniatura, Settembre. Nuove Diete, vecchi amori,...
What’s the best way to prepare yourself for an international event? Do a #belikeDom, of course! And here’s ETN’s president and vice president do theirs. Tuned and like Dom: what can you ask for more? Qual è il modo migliore di prepararsi ad un gala internazionale? Fare un #belikeDom,...
“Buoni amici, buoni libri ed una coscienza a posto che ci faccia dormire bene: questa è la vita ideale” scrisse o disse Mark Twain. A questo breve elenco, Giulia (ETN animator) aggiunge (e fa bene) anche una pizza in compagnia dei ragazzi delle scuole Ettore Majorana, Amedeo Avogadro, Piero Martinetti,...
As we announced in this video, ETN is proud to participate in the ST Star Awards that will be held on Saturday, September 2 in London. Thanks to the schools and organizations that voted for us, we will have the privilege of representing Italy in a world-class event. We are...
Our Training Vision Intern Dominika has just sent us this video with a brief and nice description. Enjoy it! “If you want to organize the surprise party, it must be …. LATIN PARTY! Our animator Rosa with our help (mine and Kim’s) prepared a dance night for the students....
The Bulgarian town of Plovdiv is situated along the two banks of Maritza River and surrounded by a number of picturesque hills called “tepés” by the locals. Allegedly the eighth oldest city in the world – Plovdiv was originally a Tracian settlement before becoming a major Roman area. Lucian,...
Miesiące oczekiwania, solarium i diety cud aby olśniewać na plaży, przeglądanie ofert wakacyjnych…i w pewnym momencie zdajemy sobie sprawę, że 1 września już za progiem. Uczniowie opieszale przygotowują plecaki do szkoły, dorośli wracają po urlopie (jeszcze bardziej zmęczeni) do pracy, nawet maluchy niepocieszone myślą już o przedszkolu. Powrót do...
Each year, Portsmouth hosts the International Kite Festival(click here to know). This year there was the 26th edition and Rosa (our tireless ETN animator) thought it was a great idea to go with the students of Riccati school. Here are some photos to watch while listening to the U2 song. Kite,...