Come avevamo annunciato, ieri pomeriggio presso l’Aula Magna dell’Istituto Comprensivo “Giacomo Leopardi” di Potenza si è tenuto l’incontro: Sistemi di formazione dei docenti in Europa a confronto. L’evento, organizzato dall’Istituto Comprensivo “Giacomo Leopardi” di Potenza, ha visto la partecipazione della professoressa Matilde Misseri (Presidente dell’Associazione Nazionale Insegnanti di Lingue...
Twenty two students from ZSP Rawa Mazowiecka follow those words. Two sectors, agrobusiness and logistic. A lot of hour of hard work and many more hours of fun, because work doesn´t have to be boring. Find what you like and enjoy your job, like students from Rawa do. Is...
Benedetta and Giulia (ETN Experience Tutors) are with the groups Lomonosov, Pascual and Rea. A laser game battle and may the best team win! Benedetta e Giulia (Experience Tutor di ETN) sono con i gruppi Lomonosov, Pascual e Rea. Una laser game battle e che vinca il migliore! ...
“This is where we walked, this is where we swam, take a picture here, take a souvenir” is what Giada (ETN Experience Tutor) is saying to the Polish students of Jaroslaw during a sunny city tour of Rimini. The Historical Institute, Gambalunga library and much more…and “stay tuned” painted...
It was a very busy morning for students from Bulgaria -Vocational School of Light Indrusty and Tourism – Kazanlak and their teachers too. 10 students of administration and 10 students of hospitality sectors, 2 accompaying teachers and 1 headmaster arrived to Malaga on Saturday night and started a two-weeks...
Negli ultimi anni, sempre più spesso, si sente parlare di leadership e di leader in innumerevoli ambiti, dalla politica al mondo religioso, dallo sport alla cultura, all’interno delle relazioni sociali, ora soprattutto tra le giovani generazioni. Ma sappiamo realmente di cosa si tratta? Per comprendere al meglio questo concetto...
Giada & Giada (ETN Experience Tutors) are with the groups Rybnic (PL), Galicia (ES), Alonso de Avellaneda (ES) and Daugavpils (LV). Head for disco but first it’s a bus full of expectations, smiles, clap your hands and say yeah, raise your hands and say STAY TUNED! Giada & Giada...
If you think that interships are just for working, you are wrong. Going to another country gives you the opportunity to travel, make new friends, gain experience, practice different languages and learn about new cultures. Our interns from Tribeka company don’t just stay in Malaga, on their days off...
Grazie alla nostra partnership con oltre 100 scuole in tutto il mondo (UK, U.S.A., Canada, Europa), troverai il programma più adatto alle tue esigenze e vivrai un’esperienza unica e indimenticabile In questo video troverai alcune delle nostre scuole migliori! Scopri di più: http://www.educationtrainingnetwork.com/wordpress/percorsi-linguistici/ Thanks to our partnership with more than 100...