Dancing, lots of smiles and tasting traditional Bavarian beers. Oktoberfest in Rimini is totally different than in other places over the world. Just lookwhy it’s better! The groups from Katowice, Barlewiczki, Andrychów and Rakvere took part in traditional “international” holiday of beer. Oktoberfest came from Bawaria but nowadays it...
There is a start point of my adventure in Sistema Turismo. I saw it while video-skype with Agency’s Manager Vicky, who had me an agreement for coming to Rimini. Today, I’m able to seat here and write these words to you. So, let’s start… My name is Kasia. I’m...
Firstly, there are a smile, desire and a lot of stress. Then it’s possible to move the mountains. Students from Zespół Szkół Handlowych in Katowice have started something more than internships. In Rimini, they’ve started adventure of their life! Group of sixteen students and two teachers from ZSH in...
Saturday in Rimini was the next meeting with the unfavorable weather. But for three polish groups it was real unexpected experience. San Marino over the clouds made an impression. Groups from Zespół Szkół Technicznych i Ogólnokształcących „Żeromski” w Częstochowie, Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych z Krośnie Odrzańskim and Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych...
Giada and the Polish students from Szczecinek and Krosno looking for an art attack. Which is your favourite? Like them and the best one will receive a gift. Here’s the link to vote them: https://goo.gl/ENktGM It’s possible to vote until Wednesday 20th of September ...
Simona e Stefano seguono solari Sistema Turismo, sussurrando sacri e sinceri saluti. Seguiteli subito sullo schermo. Ps la prossima descrizione la facciamo tutta con la “T” 🙂...
Stamattina la pioggia ha ricordato a Potenza (quartiere generale di ETN) che l’estate sta finendo (e un anno se ne va): abbiamo cominciato la giornata con un termos di malinconia e un ombrello bucato poi…queste foto da Rimini e Sistema Turismo (Giada e i gruppi Krosno Odrzanskie e Szczecinek)...
After Berlink, our agency in Rimini, Sistema Turismo, is online with its brand new website. The address is www.sistematurismo.it and is full of news and info. Take a look! Dopo Berlink, anche la nostra agenzia di Rimini, Sistema Turismo, è online con il suo nuovo sito web. L’indirizzo è...
“Creativity is intelligence having fun” A-Einstein 16 teachers from the Polish group of professional school ZDZ Katowice have just finished a one-week structured course at Sistema Turismo in Rimini.The two groups of teachers evaluated the two structured courses as very good. The theme for one group was “Innovative Training...