Polish Group

  • Is it the sun or a ball?

    Rosa, our ETN animator, organizes volleyball matches and twilights. here she is with students from Liceo Vittorio Emanuele (Jesi) , ASL (Torino) and ZSE IM Stanislawa Stazsica of Poznam. Friendly match Italy Poland. Final score: a lot of fun! Rosa, la nostra animatrice ETN, organizza partite di pallavolo e...
  • A lovely group at Sistema Turismo

    Congratulations to the Polish group from the school of ZSSCHIO from Jaroslaw and their lovely Italian teacher Jola The students enjoyed their four weeks internship in the sector of gastronomy. They learned many technical skills and little secrets about Italian cooking 😉 We wish to them all the best...
  • Rosa, Training Vision and the twilight students from Poland

    Rosa, our ETN animator, is in Portsmouth with the Polish ZSI Kielce group. Many sunsets in the photos (where the sunset is the beginning of the evening, not the end of the day): a curtain rising on a barbecue afternoon and a beach volleyball game. Rosa, la nostra animatrice...
  • A couple of congratulations from Sistema Turismo

    Congratulations to the Polish students form ZSP Warka –  the 32 students made a 4 weeks internship in the sectors of logistics, housekeeping and cooking And, ladies and getlemen, congratulations to the Polish group from zs nr4 Tychy our fantastic partner for many years The 16 students really enjoyed...
  • Alla prossima, ragazzi!

    9 studenti, 8 certificati, Kasia 1 and only, un’insegnante, 10 sorrisi, un obiettivo di curiosità ed esplorazione. La scuola è la ZSSIH.RADOM, partner di Sistema Turismo da molti piacevoli anni, il settore è quello alberghiero, la gioia è condivisa. Alla prossima, ragazzi! Congratulations to the Polish students from the school...
  • Action this day!

    Ciak si RIgira! Dopo Chorzow, Mikolow. Irena dirige, i ragazzi polacchi della scuola ZESPÓŁ SZKÓŁ TECHNICZNYCH di Mikolow sorridono e diffondono allegria. Congratulations to the Polish group from ZESPÓŁ SZKÓŁ TECHNICZNYCH W MIKOŁOWIE for their internships in the sectors of IT, electronics and mechanics.  ...
  • A magic bus to Seville

    Una gita in autobus da Malaga a Siviglia per i ragazzi polacchi di Mikołów e Przeworsk. Un viaggio in autobus e 4 ore per cantare una canzone, addormentarsi, raccontare un segreto al compagno di viaggio e diventare tu stesso un segreto. Un autobus per rubare aforismi da un libro...
  • All the best, guys!

    Consapevolezza e formazione, curiosità e divertimento sono gli elementi che contraddistinguono ogni momento a Sistema Turismo. Il tutto mischiato ad un pizzico di nostalgia che assale i ragazzi e noi dello staff alla fine dell’esperienza. Tutti questi elementi sono ben visibili nella foto dei ragazzi della scuola Polacca Zs...
  • Cultural visit in Sofia

    Ten polish students of the school ZESPÓŁ SZKÓŁ GOSPODARKI ŻYWNOŚCIOWEJ I AGROBIZNESU in LEBORK, along with their teacher, have just started their training experience in Sofia. Yesterday they had a taste of the city thanks to the cultural visit organized by Yana, our group coordinator. The best way to...