Let’s certify

  • Punteggi: sì o no?

    Come posso inserire i punteggi all’interno della procedura ECVET? Qual è il punteggio utile perché la mobilità possa essere riconosciuta? Come possiamo calcolare i punteggi? Qual è la percentuale di successo? Queste sono le domande più comuni sull’utilizzo dei punteggi all’interno della procedura di ECVET. Bene, dimenticateli: i punteggi...

    How can I insert points on the ECVET procedure? How many points are needed to recognize the mobility? How can we calculate points? How many points do we need in order to pass ECVET? Which is the percentage of success? These are the most common questions I’ve heard about...
  • Skills Portfolio

    Witam ponownie w świecie ECVET. Pomówmy teraz o naszym Skills Portfolio. Jest to cenne narzędzie, które stworzyliśmy korzystając z naszych badań, wiedzy i doświadczenia. Wszyscy nasi partnerzy mają do niego dostęp. Tworząc to narzędzie mieliśmy na celu skoncentrowanie pewnych aspektów praktyk zawodowych w jednym, unikalnym dokumencie. Przekazujemy go mentorowi,...

    Here, at ETN, we help our partners with the ECVET procedures. We understand how difficult can be to think and prepare all the documents needed, prepare them on time, accurately and we know that sometimes there are several questions that need answers not always clear and straightforward. So, as...

    Eccoci qui, per un nuovo appuntamento con l’ECVET. Vediamo quali istituti dovrebbero includere l’ECVET all’interno dell’Erasmus + Project. ECVET, come indica il nome, dovrebbe essere una procedura usata solo per le scuole professionali. L’idea alla base è semplice: per questo tipo di scuole, fare un’esperienza lavorativa durante gli studi...

    Here we are, back again with our ECVET appointment. Let’s see who should include ECVET in their Erasmus+ Project. ECVET, as the name indicates, is supposed to be a procedure used only for Vocational School. The idea behind is simple: for such kind of schools with this address, to...

      As said earlier in our Magazine, Validation and Recognitions are the most controversial parts of ECVET. It is simple to understand them: if we put in place all this assets and at the end of the day nobody is able to validate them properly and even though we...
  • Walidacja i uznanie – rozważania

    Jak już było powiedziane walidacja i uznawanie efektów uczenia się (Validation and Recognition) są najbardziej kontrowersyjnymi elementami ECVET. Bardzo łatwo je zrozumieć: jeśli spełniliśmy wszystkie wymagania i dokonamy uznania efektów uczenia się, to jeśli nikt nie jest w stanie przeprowadzić walidacji, będzie to tylko zmarnowany czas. Nie mniej jednak...
  • Recognition

    Let’s go in depth with RECOGNITION: WHAT: once the process and the achievements are validated, they must be recognized by a body, which would give value to the mobility done abroad. WHO: this is the second biggest dark hole of the ECVET procedure. There is a specific person/organization/body that...