W ETN pomagamy naszym partnerom z procedurami ECVET. Rozumiemy jak trudno jest wymyślić i przygotować wszystkie potrzebne dokumenty, zrobić to na czas i dokładnie. Wiemy też, że czasem pojawiają się pytania, na które nie da się łatwo znaleźć odpowiedzi. Dlatego lubimy pomagać sobie nawzajem, ciągle uczyć się i być na...
Ad ETN siamo lieti di dare una mano ai nostri partner con le procedure ECVET. Sappiamo quanto possa essere complicato preparare nei tempi previsti tutti i documenti necessari; siamo altresì consapevoli che a volte ci sono alcune domande, non sempre chiare e semplici, che necessitano risposte. Siamo in grado di...
Here, at ETN, we help our partners with the ECVET procedures. We understand how difficult can be to think and prepare all the documents needed, prepare them on time, accurately and we know that sometimes there are several questions that need answers not always clear and straightforward. So, as...
Here we are, back again with our ECVET appointment. Let’s see who should include ECVET in their Erasmus+ Project. ECVET, as the name indicates, is supposed to be a procedure used only for Vocational School. The idea behind is simple: for such kind of schools with this address, to...
As said earlier in our Magazine, Validation and Recognitions are the most controversial parts of ECVET. It is simple to understand them: if we put in place all this assets and at the end of the day nobody is able to validate them properly and even though we...
Come detto in precedenza sul nostro Magazine, la Validazione e i Riconoscimenti sono le parti più controverse della procedura ECVET. Il motivo è semplice: se abbiamo messo in moto tutte queste risorse ma nessuno è in grado di convalidarle o comprendere l’importanza del riconoscimento, sarà tutto tempo sprecato. Tuttavia...
Let’s go in depth with RECOGNITION: WHAT: once the process and the achievements are validated, they must be recognized by a body, which would give value to the mobility done abroad. WHO: this is the second biggest dark hole of the ECVET procedure. There is a specific person/organization/body that...
Concentriamoci sul riconoscimento: 1) COSA: una volta che il processo e i risultati sono stati validati, devono essere riconosciuti da un organismo, in modo da dare valore alla mobilità all’estero 2) CHI: questo è il secondo punto oscuro della procedura ECVET. C’è una specifica persona/organizzazione /ente che se ne...
We’ve examined all the documents and all the steps that we should do before mobility and during the mobility abroad. What is going to happen then when our students are back in their own country? Which is the value of the mobility abroad as a part of a great...