
  • Berlino, città-scuola d’Europa: è qui che s’impara ad essere cittadini globali

    La Berlino che abbiamo imparato a conoscere è una città che si è liberata dagli stereotipi. Anzi, Berlino è esattamente il contrario di ogni stereotipo. Ed ecco perché, una volta atterrati in città, viverla appieno è un impegno da prendere con sé stessi. Berlino, città piena.  Detto così potrebbe...
  • Berlin European capital of future

    Berlin: the European capital of future, innovation and human progress

    An Italian PON student, Diego Briganti, sent us this article about his experience in Berlin at Berlink. Enjoy it! Berlin is the European capital of future, innovation and human progress and for this our school decided to do here a internship with a PON project with fifteen students from...

    Uczniowie z Zespołu Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Sycowie odbyli praktyki zawodowe w maju 2018 roku w naszych agencjach w Portsmouth w Anglii oraz w Berlinie w Niemczech. Nadal z sentymentem wspominamy tych wspaniałych uczniów. Bardzo mili, przyjaźni i ambitni, łatwo odnaleźli się w miejscach pracy i nowej rzeczywistości. Uczniowie odbyli...
  • Praktyki zagraniczne uczniów – szansa na lepszą pracę w przyszłośc

    42 uczniów Zespołu Szkół Nr 2 im. Ks. Warcisława w Szczecinku pod opieką 5 nauczycieli odbyło w 2017 r. trzytygodniowe praktyki zawodowe w Berlinie (Niemcy), w Portsmouth (Wielka Brytania) i w Rimini (Włochy). Ta zagraniczna mobilność była możliwa dzięki dofinasowaniu z Funduszu Europejskiego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój (POWER),...
  • Berlin ETN Magazine is being launched!

    This year Berlink, which is part of ETN, started its own magazine in order to keep the visitors of the agency and the city posted on what’s new. The page is ready to be discovered! It contains information about the groups, arriving in Berlin to do their internships in different...
  • New Year, new staff members in Berlink!

    This year Berlink opens the door towards new and exciting experiences for two new colleagues, we would like to introduce to you our Student Welfare Officer, Polina and our Experience Tutor Marta : ) Welcome on board!!    ...
  • News from the attic of our mind at Berlink

    While we were busy for the preparation of the annual ETN meeting in Rimini, we lost this graceful message from Berlink, our agency in Berlin. “Berlin is cold and grey but our mood is joyful! Like Santa’s helpers, we at Berlink are busy preparing a little surprise for you....
  • An unforgettable experience at Berlink

    Jessica and Sofia, 2 of our interns at Berlink, send us a testimonial of their experience with us. Thank you and see you soon! “Guten Tag..! We are Jessica and Sofia, two students from Vicenza, in Berlin to live a unique experience. Through the Erasmus + project we became interns...
  • Berlink: the new logo

    When we opened our training agency in Berlin, we did it for several reasons: to expand the training possibilities, to expand the European dimension in which to lead the new generations and to continue creating new connections. It was not by chance that we chose the name Berlink, crasis...