
  • 10 songs to listen to while your plane is late

    Yes, your plane is late and you have already read our article to keep gentleman mode on ( Yet you cannot relax: you count the hostesses to fall asleep and importunate a flock of sheep to find out some information on the new departure time. You are confused and...
  • 10 canzoni da ascoltare quando l’aereo è in ritardo

    Il tuo aereo è in ritardo e hai anche letto il nostro articolo per conservare il tuo aplomb da gentiluomo navigato ( Eppure non riesci a rilassarti: conti le hostess per addormentarti e importuni un gregge di pecore per sapere qualche notizia sul nuovo orario di partenza. Sei confuso...
  • 10 things to do while waiting at the airport

    The taxi has just left you at the airport. Now you drag your suitcase, being careful not to leave some wheels on the floor and then you show off at the check-in. You go through the security check, not without difficulty: you take apart your PC a couple of...