A very Happy New Year to everyone from Berlin! These past holidays have been full of the traditional indulgences food, lazyness and famliy. Sadly, on December 19th, an individual felt the need to disturb this peaceful time of the year. Media all over the world put their focus on...
Venerdì si è conclusa la settimana della formazione a Training Vision. Una settimana intensa, piena di attività interessanti, dalle best practice alla redazione di documenti. Federica Bocciarelli, work placement and training director di Training Vision, ci racconta tutto in questo video. Nel frattempo, indovinate un po’? State connessi! Last...
Federica Bocciarelli, work placement and training director di Training Vision, ci racconta la vita nell’ufficio di Portsmouth, l’inizio della settimana dedicata alla formazione e molto altro. Guardate il video, ovviamente senza dimenticare di restare connessi! Federica Bocciarelli, work placement and training director of Training Vision, tells us about life in...
3 MESI ENTUSIASMANTI – 12/12/2016 – Milano Con la tappa di Milano, si chiude questo entusiasmante tour 2016 degli ETN Contact Seminars. Un tour lungo 3 mesi. 3 mesi di nuove visioni, profonda passione, tanta professionalità e proficue interazioni. 3 mesi in cui abbiamo incontrato tantissime scuole e scambiato...
Here we are, back again with our ECVET appointment. Let’s see who should include ECVET in their Erasmus+ Project. ECVET, as the name indicates, is supposed to be a procedure used only for Vocational School. The idea behind is simple: for such kind of schools with this address, to...
Perché andare a Berlino? Jasmin, la work placement officer di Berlink, ci racconta le infinite opportunità offerte dalla capitale tedesca. Enjoy the video Why go to Berlin? Jasmin, our work placement officer at Berlink, tells us about the endless opportunities offered by the German capital. Enjoy the video...
Welcome back in our ECVET’s journey. After reviewing all the documents needed in order to start the procedure before the student’s departure, we will get straight into another phase: DURING MOBILITY. After MoU’s preparation – definition of Learning Outcomes – the sending organization identifies the best beneficiary of the...
The role of the group coordinator in our agencies is really important: they greet the student when they arrive and they make sure their stay proceed in the best possible way. Irena, group coordinator at Sistema Turismo, describes her typical work day. Enjoy it! Didiiit, didiiiit, didiiit…wake up...
Il group coordinator delle nostre agenzie svolge un ruolo fondamentale: accoglie i ragazzi all’arrivo e fa in modo che la loro permanenza proceda nel migliore dei modi. Irena, group cordinator di Sistema Turismo, ci spiega la sua giornata tipo. Buona lettura! Didiiit, didiiiit, didiiit … Sveglia alle 7:30, colazione...
As we are used to know, for each mobility, even with the past program, each student before leaving his own country needs to have a contract. Individual and detailed. Basically, nothing is different from the well-known Training Agreement. The peculiarity of the LA is that in this contract we...