Magdalena from Tribeka sends us these pictures of ZESPÓŁ SZKÓŁ ROLNICZYCH IM. TADEUSZA KOŚCIUSZKI W NAMYSŁOWIE. She writes that they have been working in jardín botanico and last week they went to “Automobile Museum and Fashion” (do you wanna know more? Click here) in Málaga. They went home on Saturday,...
Daniela from Tenerife to Cork with Training Vision Ireland describes her work experience in this video. Enjoy it! ...
We are back at playing bowling with Rosa and Italian students from Russell Moro, Virgilio, De Carolis and Serindform schools. Portsmouth is the perfect scenario for a picture, a brilliant smile and a strange and neverending summer. ...
Giulia and the Italian students from Serindform, Formazione per la scuola and Liceo Galileo Galilei visiting the Jurassic Coast (here are some news about it). And fisheye lens to look be round and go around. Amd of course, stay tuned! ...
Our lovely intern (bur above all, our lovely friend) Gary has ended his internship with us at Tribeka. He’s written a letter to say goodbye and break our hearts! “My time in Malaga and working with Tribeka has been an amazing experience and I feel I have learnt many...
Siamo lieti di annunciarvi che, per il secondo anno consecutivo, siamo tra i 5 finalisti agli ST Star Awards 2017 di Londra nella categoria “Work Experience Provider”. E il presidente di ETN Luciano Marino ha un’altra importante novità da raccontare. Quale? Guardate il video e lo scoprirete!...
Giulia, our ETN animator, organizes, makes phone calls, thinks, sings, blinks, shines, sparks and sometimes dances in the dark. And she does a lot of selfies. But during this walk in the Lower Gradens of Bournemouth with Italian students from Fondazione per la scuola, Istituto di istruzione superiore Federico...
Most of the world’s male population is looking for a job just to be able to afford a giant flat-screen TV where watching the football games. And criticize the choices of the coach of their favorite team. The most courageous ones are testing their meniscus and ligaments and play into a...
News from Cork. Listen, listen to the holler! Here are some scattered pictures from Talenti Neodiplomati group (Liceo Scientifico Alessandro Antonelli, ITIS Fauser and Istituto B. Vittone). There are universities, fountains WITH youth and a market with neon lights that spell “JOY”. Choose a memory and stay tuned!...