Vuoi seguire un corso di inglese all’estero? Qui puoi trovare alcune interessanti proposte: http://www.educationtrainingnetwork.com/wordpress/percorsi-linguistici/ Would you like to attend a language course abroad? At the following link you can find some really interesting proposals: http://www.educationtrainingnetwork.com/wordpress/en/language-courses/...
Ogni anno Brighton è visitata da 8 milioni di turisti che ne ammirano i parchi, le piazze e il lungomare. E cercano di capire come mai i Queen, nel lontano 1974, gli dedicarono una canzone. Benedetta e Giulia (ETN Experience Tutor), insieme ai gruppi Trento, Enaip (Italia) e Bedzin (Polonia)...
Last week Tribeka Training Lab hosted a group of teachers from SDE MYTILINIS. The topics of the structured course had been immigration, the migration crisis and education. The Greek teachers arrived with strong dedication to gather knowledge and best practices from organizations in Malaga. Tribeka Training Lab organized several...
Representatives from the Public Institution Vilnius Jerusalem Labour Market Training Centre together with the Training Tutor from Bulgaria Gateway Ltd – Diana Pantcheva who did several professional visits to vocational training centers in Sofia and exchanged experience and good practices. Rappresentanti della Public Institution Vilnius Jerusalem Labour Market Training...
La cultura e la necessità di velarsi in pubblico delle donne islamiche sarà al centro di un dibattito che si terrà a Potenza il giorno 25 maggio alle ore 17,00 presso la Biblioteca Nazionale del capoluogo lucano, partendo dalla presentazione del libro di Angelo Lacerenza dal titolo “Il velo...
A new group of Italian students in Portsmouth. The group is called Enaip, they are from the beautiful region of Piedmont and they are in the tourism sector. This is a picture from Wednesday city tour., with David Sylvian left in a winter landscape and a portrait of youth...
Ritorna la stagione del beach volley a Rimini e a Sistema Turismo! Giada (ETN Experience Tutor) è con i ragazzi polacchi dei gruppi RYBNIK, BIERUNIU, KATOWICE e ROZANIE. Chi vincerà? Lo scopriremo solo stando connessi! A new beach volley season has begin at Sistema Turismo in Rimini! Giada (ETN...
“Little darling, the smiles returning to their faces” sang George Harrison in the famous Beatles song. And the smile is certainly on the faces of the students of the group Pascual and Trento during the visit at the Spinnaker tower and the party on the beach. And then Southsea...
Like the Elbow cover of Dead in the Boot, Giada (ETN Experience Tutor) is with the Polish students of the group Trzcianie on the beach of Rimini, breathing life in and out, spelling “joy” and jumping all over the place. And it’s one for the show and two for...