“Praktyki zagraniczne- szansą na lepszą pracę w przyszłości”, to tytuł projektu zrealizowanego przez Zespół Szkół nr 2 im. ks. Warcisława IV w Szczecinku. Projekt skierowany był dla uczniów w następujących zawodach: technik hotelarstwa, technik żywienia i usług gastronomicznych, technik logistyk, technik usług fryzjerskich oraz technik handlowiec. 42 uczniów odbywało...
Da molti anni ETN collabora con numerose aziende italiane ed europee; piccole o grandi realtà che danno spazio a studenti provenienti da tutta Europa, offrendo loro la possibilità di “imparare l’arte e metterla da parte”. E’ grazie anche a loro che ETN ha ricevuto per due anni consecutivi il...
André Oliveiera, our Portuguee intern at Sistema Turismo, has written this article about the experience of a group of Portuguese students. Enjoy it! Twenty students from Serafim Leite, Portugal, have begun their internships in their respective companies. The students will train in Rimini for a month and will be...
Istruzione, formazione in mobilità, apprendimento di soft skills, new technologies sono stati alcuni degli argomenti trattati durante l’evento di disseminazione del progetto KA2 Strategic Partnership “I choose consciuosly” , che si è tenuto a Bradford (UK) il 16 maggio. All’evento era presente anche Sistema Turismo, partner del progetto, con...
Ritorna la stagione del beach volley a Rimini e a Sistema Turismo! Giada (ETN Experience Tutor) è con i ragazzi polacchi dei gruppi RYBNIK, BIERUNIU, KATOWICE e ROZANIE. Chi vincerà? Lo scopriremo solo stando connessi! A new beach volley season has begin at Sistema Turismo in Rimini! Giada (ETN...
Giada (ETN Experience Turor) during the welcome party with the Polish groups Andrychow, Czestochowa, Rybnic, Jaroslaw, Warszawie and Slupcy. with Nikolay and Giancarlo as special guests. They dance and the stars don’t go blue. They sing and they stay tuned! Giada (ETN Experience Turor) durante la festa di benvenuto con...
“This is where we walked, this is where we swam, take a picture here, take a souvenir” is what Giada (ETN Experience Tutor) is saying to the Polish students of Jaroslaw during a sunny city tour of Rimini. The Historical Institute, Gambalunga library and much more…and “stay tuned” painted...
Giada & Giada (ETN Experience Tutors) are with the groups Rybnic (PL), Galicia (ES), Alonso de Avellaneda (ES) and Daugavpils (LV). Head for disco but first it’s a bus full of expectations, smiles, clap your hands and say yeah, raise your hands and say STAY TUNED! Giada & Giada...
Giada & Giada (ETN Experience Tutor) are around Rimini with the groups DAUGAVPILS(LV), GALICIA(ES) and CZESTOCHOWA(PL). A picture in frame, a dream in the well and a river in the rearviewmirror. A nice afternoon and it’s time to stay tuned! Giada & Giada (ETN Experience Tutor) sono in giro...