Orange chair

it's time to start

There is a start point of my adventure in Sistema Turismo. I saw it while video-skype with Agency’s Manager Vicky, who had me an agreement for coming to Rimini. Today, I’m able to seat here and write these words to you. So, let’s start…

My name is Kasia. I’m polish student, who started thinking about Erasmus+ many years ago. Every time if my soul was ready to live new experience, there was found many objective obstacles. The biggest one was that I am not ready to go alone to foreign land. This thought paralyzed me before I had started to imagine. There could be only people who don’t help me, when I die. Me, full of people streets and empty room. Catastrophic images were creating in my timid mind. It was like a swing. Longing and fearing about foreign. After a dozen or so months of thinking, I made decision. I’ll try even if I’m not satisfied.

Message full of green. Firstly, I asked my friend from university who had an internship in Sistema year ago. It was done by popular communicator, which is used in Italy and barely known in Poland. Karolina told me only one sentence, ‘pack and go’. I’ve still had lots of query characters. In the office of Erasmus+ at my University, I found out that probably won’t be alone. But the end of the end, after stressful months of studies and unforgettable holidays, I came to Rimini.

Loneliness. Probably, I don’t know this feelings. My first day in Sistema Turismo gave me a thousand smiles and calm. I’ve been sure that’s place for me. Tasks, communication way almost everything is perfect. Besides the hours of working. Still, I can’t become accustomed to hours of work. The break between 2 pm and 3 pm make me a little lazy but cup of espresso and I know where and why I am here.

Orange color is not my favourite. It it too flashy and unequivocal. Simply, red plus yellow is orange. I prefer more complicated connections but in this particular case, I’m lovin’ it. My orange chair and the best team of Sistema Turismo…

Learning by moving_English_Polskie

Bachelor's degree in religious tourism and journalism and social communication. Passionate about sport, travels, history, etc. Open mind - hunger for knowledge - travel mania. She loves speaking, volunteering, roaming and supporting. On "Trainee's Room" she will write about her stories from past, projects of present and plans for future and try to give you a pinch of satisfaction.
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