Big bang: before and after

After so much effort, hopes and expectations, your mobility project has been approved! Now it comes the hardest part: you must organize the departure and the person in charge...

After so much effort, hopes and expectations, your mobility project has been approved!

Now it comes the hardest part: you must organize the departure and the person in charge of the project has to urgently send to the country managers of ETN all the details about the participants.

How? The mails and files exchange begins…

Time is short and it’s not easy to collect all the participants information and the application forms cannot be sent to the country manager if they are incomplete. So you’ll have to send a lot of mails.

This was before the Big Bang, the revolutionary platform for the management of mobility projects.

Now with the Big Bang, all the data are entered comfortably on the platform by the project manager or directly by participants. Different profiles can be saved even if incomplete and are editable at any time.

Everything is easier and faster; and even fun, like this video. So…enjoy it!

Projects & Certificates_English

Laureata in Scienze della Comunicazione coordina l'ETN Content Factory. Ama la psicologia e le piace trascorrere il tempo libero con la sua bambina, magari pasticciando in cucina ... Lavora per il network ETN dal 2007 occupandosi di tutto quello che è web e nuove tecnologie.
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