“There’s a lady who’s sure all that glitters is gold” e c’è un gruppo consapevole che grazie a Bulgaria Gateway c’è l’opportunità di visitare Plovdiv, la splendida città bulgara capitale della cultura 2019.
E i ragazzi polacchi della scuola ZDZ Kaziemirza Wielka, a Sofia per uno stage di 4 settimane, hanno colto l’occasione e si sono fatti ammaliare dalla bellezza.
“There’s a lady who’s sure all that glitters is gold” and there is group who is aware that thanks to Bulgaria Gateway they will have the chance to visit Plovdiv, the beautiful capital of the Bulgarian, European Capital of Culture 2019.
And the Polish students of the school ZDZ Kaziemirza Wielka, in Sofia for a 4 weeks internship, have seized the opportunity and have been captivated by miss Beauty.