An interesting week at Tribeka – Video Interview

Giulia Scavone (Work Placement and Training Manager and great interviewer) is with the teachers of the Portuguese school Serafin Leite. They are in Malaga with the Erasmus+ Project and...

Giulia Scavone (Work Placement and Training Manager and great interviewer) is with the teachers of the Portuguese school Serafin Leite.
They are in Malaga with the Erasmus+ Project and they have just had a week of professional visits.

How did it go? Let’s listen and watch carefully while staying tuned!

Giulia Scavone (Work Placement and Training Manager e ottima intervistatrice) è con gli insegnanti della scuola portoghese Serafin Leite.
Sono a Malaga con il progetto Erasmus + e hanno appena trascorso una settimana di visite professionali.

Com’è andata? Ascoltiamo e guardiamo attentamente…restando connessi, s’intende!




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