Good companies at Tribeka

Magda (Tribeka team) writes:”Here’s the students from PONADGIMNAZJALNY ZESPÓŁ SZKÓŁ EKONOMICZNYCH W SANDOMIERZU; teachers went to visit them at the companies: they are really happy and they are enjoying their time...

Magda (Tribeka team) writes:”Here’s the students from PONADGIMNAZJALNY ZESPÓŁ SZKÓŁ EKONOMICZNYCH W SANDOMIERZU; teachers went to visit them at the companies: they are really happy and they are enjoying their time there”

And these pictures are a great demonstration!
ps behind every pic you can find the name of the companies

Magda (Team Tribeka) ci scrive:”Ecco gli studenti da PONADGIMNAZJALNY ZESPÓŁ SZKÓŁ EKONOMICZNYCH W SANDOMIERZU; gli insegnanti li sono andati a trovare durante il loro stage nelle aziende: i ragazzi sono davvero soddisfatti e si stanno sfruttando l’esperienza nel migliore dei modi”.

E queste foto sono un’ottima prova.
ps sotto ciascuna fotografia potete trovare il nome delle aziende.



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