ETN is the winner of “ST Star Work Experience Provide 2017” / ETN ha vinto il premio “St Star Work Experience Provide 2017”

Hurrah! For the second year in a row we are the winner of “ST Star Work Experience Provider” at the ST Star Awards 2017! A big thank you to...


For the second year in a row we are the winner of “ST Star Work Experience Provider” at the ST Star Awards 2017!

A big thank you to all our partners and schools who voted for us, congrarulations to the organizations who were in our categoria, and most of all… a huge thank you to all of out ETN team!

Stay tuned!

Ce l’abbiamo fatta!

Per il secondo anno consecutivo abbiamo vinto il premio “ST Star Work Experience Provider” agli ST Star Awards 2017!

Grazie a tutti i partner e le scuole che chi ci ha votato, complimenti alle altre organizzazioni arrivate nella cinquina finale e un grosso grazie a tutto il team ETN!

State connessi!


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