Hello Europe!
Domani Dominik tornerà a casa con un nuovo look.
E’ uno studente della scuola polacca Fundacja Mozesz Wiecej Bilcza ed è stato con noi a Malaga per 3 settimane con altri 15 ragazzi che hanno svolto stage nei settori hairdressing e car mechanics.
Ha appena terminato il suo stage a Tribeka presso Antonio Eloy Academia Peluquería y Estética e porterà sicuramente con sè tanti ricordi, nel proprio cuore e sulla propria testa 🙂
Hello Europe!
Tomorrow Dominik will go back home with a new look.
He is a student of the Polish school Fundacja Mozesz Wiecej in Bilcza and has been with us at Tribeka for 3 weeks with 15 other students for an internships in the hairdressing and car mechanics sectors.
He has just finished his internship at Antonio Eloy Academia Peluquería y Estética and will surely keep with him a lot of memories, in his heart and on his head 🙂